C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control


Video: 1920×1080, 1280×720
Audio: Japanese 2.0 – 24-bit/48khz FLAC (1080p), Vorbis q7 (720p)
Subtitles: English Softsubbed ASS – Hatsuyuki (Doki K-timing)

1080p torrent: 01-02 03-05
720p torrent: 01-02 03-05

The torrents for the first two episodes have incorrect file names. They should be “Possibility Control” instead of “Possibility of Control”.

Posted on October 4, 2011, in C. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. howard can u release Mayo Chiki! bd?

    • I’ll add it to the “maybe” pile. I watched the first episode today and while I did get a few laughs out of it, it’s not amazing.
      EDIT: Tlacatlc6 is doing it, so there’s not much point in me doing it.

  2. Howard I was just wondering if there is not 5.1 Audio for “C”?

  3. Can someone please seed 720p version.

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